Autocracy and Environmental Degradation
Why do some autocracies do better than others in environmental protection?…
The history of graphical causal modeling goes back to the early 1900s and Sewall Wright, one of the fathers of modern genetics and son of the economist Philip Wright.…
Establishing valid causal inferences is difficult. It requires having realistic expectations about whether it is possible to establish a causal relationship from your research design. This is especially true for social science.…
Why do some autocracies do better than others in environmental protection?…
Nuclear weapons are terrifying. The destructive capacity of these inventions could wipe out humanity and cause devastation to the Earth's biosphere. Yet, paradoxically, nuclear weapons could also be one of the most important causes of peace since World War 2.…
Producing political solutions to large-scale environmental problems is perhaps one of the most important tasks of governance. For political scientists, a central puzzle is the effects of democratic governance on environmental quality. Is democracy best-suited to solve environmental problems?…
War - what is it, and what causes it to happen? As war is a deadly and destructive endeavour, the puzzle of why humans choose to engage in warfare remains one of the most pressing questions of social science. Indeed, if we want peace, we first have to figure out the causes of war.…
En tentativ plan for året 2021. Ideer og aspirasjoner som oppdateres fortløpende.…